An Alternative Treatment

If you’re the active type, then you must have had your fair share of going at it and roughing it up in the great outdoors. Whether you’re more inclined to do something a little bit laid back like running or biking, or a little but more thrilling like white water rafting or climbing – each one has his/her own preference when it comes to braving the outdoors. In fact, some others have such a passion for what they do, that they go to extreme lengths just to further their respective sports – and sometimes with unwanted consequences.

Take the one case of a San Diego personal injury where one climber had a climb that didn’t go too well. He had some minor scratched and bruises and never really thought about looking to see a doctor for them – who would? He felt completely fine in the hours the followed, only to be awakened later on in the night with some severe back pains. Closer examination has revealed that he had a herniated spinal disk, which could be treated without any surgery, but may prove to cause much pain nonetheless.

Usual treatments for him would include taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medication, or cortisone injections; but most would rather seek to treat the pain rather than take any types of drugs, which is why he’s currently looking into some chiropractors in San Diego who have proven that their expert services can help him cope with the pain brought about by his condition, until it repairs itself.


Article submitted by RB Spine Center. If you have similar issues, then you may need some relief. Surely, Rancho Bernardo Chiropractic can help ease whatever pain you’re experiencing. If you’re dealing with other back, neck or spine-related problems, make sure to check in with RB Spine Center.