Why It’s Not Okay to Need Your Desires
Written by Heather Richards
What is the secret to getting the things you want in life? While there might not be a single answer to this question, there are many techniques designed to help people manifest their desires and live the life they truly want. One of the most helpful tips I’ve come across has to do with the difference between the feelings of needing something and wanting something. Quantum physicist Dr. Eric Amidi often writes about this difference in perception and explains why it’s so crucial to manifestation.
According to Dr. Eric Amidi, it’s important to detach from your desires, or feel as though you don’t need them. In other writings, he explains in detail about how to adopt the attitude of wanting and calls it the game attitude. In the post I am referring to, he uses an example from Zen Buddhists to clarify his point. He says that many people fall in love with their desires. They believe that if they don’t get what they want, they won’t be able to move on in life. But this is not a healthy way to look at goals and desires in life. What is the healthy way? To see them for what they actually are.
According to Zen Buddhism, falling in love with your desires actually hurts the manifestation process. However, Zen, as Dr. Eric Amidi points out, is about “Seeing things for what they truly are.” The point is that you should never value your goals or the things that you want more than your own happiness. He adds that this way you “make your desires more down-to-earth and reachable, and so you can manifest them in your life.”